poem 存在 この場所からいなくなりたいのではないこの身体を葬りたいわけでもない生まれてきてなどいないそんな人間などいない存在しなかったことにしたいのだ人々の記憶から消え形あるものは残さず存在そのものが 無い存在しない 存在叶う日が来るかもしれないExi... 2025.02.02 poem創作詩
poem Release To speak one's mind,To let go of hands,To create distance,To release attachment,When in doubt, releaseWhen you stop, rel... 2023.09.25 poem
poem Mask Wearing a mask, I live in this world.I'll try quitting "Do your best!"Surprisingly, it's not so bad to let things be.I'l... 2023.09.07 poem
poem even if For example, even if you were to lose your name,It wouldn't change that you are still you.For example, even if you were ... 2023.09.05 poem
poem Harmony of Freedom and Solitude Feeling constrained, seeking freedom,Once free, solitude is felt.Freedom and solitude are adjacent,Within solidarity lie... 2023.08.20 poem
poem A Changeable Future Buried in the sand of a desert bathed in sunlight,Shivering in the cold.Beside a river where a clear stream flows,Voicin... 2023.08.16 poem
poem One word "Just one hurtful wordCan make me stop in my tracksJust one fearful wordCan make me close my eyesJust one wordCan push m... 2023.08.12 poem
poem Standing still To the right and to the left,No path is visible.To the front and to the back,No path is visible.In such moments,It's goo... 2023.08.03 poem
poem Blue sky, white moon In the blue sky,a white moon is floating.In the summer sky,a white moon is playing.In the vast sky,only one white moon.T... 2023.07.27 poem
poem Living There's no need to worry,Because everyone inevitably carries weaknesses.For now, justLive on, and it'll be alright.There... 2023.07.22 poem